Is online gambling good or bad

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Is gambling bad? - Quora

Is gambling bad for society and should it be made unlawful ... Gambling is bad for society as a whole and should be unlawful because of the negative impact it places on individuals and family units. Loss of needed monies for basic survival, and the influx of the criminal element that is associated with gambling is a societal issue that uses tremendous amounts of resources unnecessarily. Online gaming is it Good or Bad? | Yahoo Answers Answers. If u play online gambling, then it's bad cos u nv noe when u might get cheated. If u play online interactive games like rpg or fps, den it might be good AND bad. Good---U make new friends and u can relax. Bad---u might get hooked up and in the end lose foucs of reality. SO, if u really like online games, make sure u den get addicted =D. The Good and Bad of Gaming | United Church of God The Good and Bad of Gaming. Computer games are a waste of time! They are violent and ruin relationships. No, computer games are good! They help develop hand-eye coordination and online games help build relationships with others.

Online Casinos: Distinguishing the Good from the Bad ...

So why is online gambling market a 'grey' market It is no secret that land casino gambling is severely regulated even in those lands where it is legal. Leaving aside the disputes whether this regulation is a good thing or bad, we would like to dwell on the important and often asked …

How to Spot Bad Online Casinos and Find a Good One | Allstar

Good (and Bad) Reasons for Gambling - Online casino

Gambling: Good or Bad? Gambling is a disease, often thought of as a psychological condition many cannot control. Gambling exudes endorphins, that allow a high to take over one’s body.

Good (and Bad) Reasons for Gambling. To gamble as a means of socializing. For many people - Asians in general, for example - gambling is a form of social activity. Friends and family get together and play mah jong, poker or whatever they like. Gaming functions as a social pastime that strengthens the bond between family and friends instead of weaken it. 5. To chase the jackpot prize.